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Ultracast 48218 - P-38 Lightning Wheels (diamond tread tires)
Ultracast 48218 - P-38 Lightning Wheels (diamond tread tires)
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Product Code: ULT48218


Kit includes two main wheels and one nose wheel as shown in photo.

The comparison photos show the following:

1) Academy main wheel on left (black wheel) compared to Ultracast main wheel on right.
2) Academy nose wheel on left (black wheel) compared to Ultracast nose wheel on right.
3) Hasegawa main wheel on left (grey wheel) compared to Ultracast main wheel on right.
Hasegawa nose wheel on left (grey wheel) compared to Ultracast nose wheel on right.

5) Hasegawa nose wheel rear on left (grey wheel) compared to Ultracast nose wheel rear on right.


Read the Aircraft Resource Center review by clicking here.