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Model Monkey - Beaufighter, Mosquito, P-70, and Ventura Airborne Interception Radar Mk.IV
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Model Monkey - Beaufighter, Mosquito, P-70, and Ventura Airborne Interception Radar Mk.IV
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Quantity in Stock:2

Product Code: MM_48005


Recommended to help build an early WW2-era night fighter from:
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  • Airfix 1/48 scale Mosquito Mk.VI
  • Airfix 1/48 scale Mosquito NF.30
  • AMT/ERTL 1/48 scale Douglas P-70 Nightfighter
  • Fonderie Miniature 1/48 scale Lockheed PV-1 Ventura
  • Italeri 1/48 scale Douglas P-70 A/S
  • Koster Aero Enterprises 1/48 scale Lockheed PV-1 Ventura
  • Monogram 1/48 scale Mosquito
  • Revell 1/48 scale Bristol Beaufighter Mk.IF Night Fighter
  • Revell 1/48 scale Lockheed PV-1 Ventura
  • Revell 1/48 scale Lockheed Ventura Mk.II
  • Tamiya 1/48 scale Bristol Beaufighter Mk.VI Night Fighter
  • Tamiya 1/48 scale Mosquito NF Mk.II
  • Tamiya 1/48 scale Mosquito FB Mk.VI/NF Mk.II
  • Tamiya 1/48 scale Mosquito FB Mk.VI/NF Mk.II, France, Belgium, Israel and Norway
  • Tamiya 1/48 scale Mosquito NF Mk.XIII/Mk.XVII
  • and more!

  • Control Panel Type 3
  • Receiver R.3066
  • Transmitter T.3065B
  • Modulator Type 20
  • Indicating Unit Type 20/Type 48 (printed inverted to protect cable connections)

Free, downloadable painting guides in *.pdf format:

This accurate and highly detailed set of 5 models represents the radar equipment fit to early World War Two-era nightfighters such as the the Bristol Beaufighter NF Mk.I, DeHavilland Mosquito NF Mk.II, Douglas Boston, Douglas Havoc Turbinlite, Douglas P-70 Nighthawk, and Lockheed PV-1 Ventura circa 1941-1943.

The AI Mk.IV was succeeded by the AI Mk.VIII radar beginning in 1943. The AI Mk.IV radar was produced by EMI, Pye and EKCO in the UK, and also built under license by Western Electric in the US, fit to Beaufighters and P-70s operated by US forces. In US service, it was known as the SCR-540.

The models were designed from the de-classified Royal Air Force AI Radar Mk.IV equipment manual S.D. 0165 (1) dated July, 1942.

"Radar, Airborne Interception, Mark IV, or AI Mk. IV for short, was the world's first operational air-to-air radar system. Early Mk. III units appeared in July 1940 on converted Bristol Blenheim light bombers, while the definitive Mk. IV reached widespread availability on the Bristol Beaufighter heavy fighter by early 1941. On the Beaufighter, the Mk. IV arguably played a role in ending the Blitz, the Luftwaffe's night bombing campaign of late 1940 and early 1941." - Wikipedia.

Note: although much is known about the individual radar equipment, the installation hardware and precise mounting locations of this equipment within the fuselages of various aircraft are not known. No drawings or photos of the equipment's precise location or installation hardware are known to exist. However, de-classified Royal Air Force drawings showing approximate equipment positions and wiring diagrams aboard Beaufighters, P-70 and Boston III / Havoc Turbinlite aircraft are provided in the painting guide as an aide to the modeler. The painting guide is available separately as a free download in either A4 or 8.5" x 11" formats.

On Beaufighters, when the radar was in operation, the radar operator faced aft while looking into the two cathode ray tube (CRT) radar scopes housed within the "Indicator Unit". The Indicator Unit is known to have been positioned aft of the radar operator just under the rear edge of the bubble canopy. The other equipment was probably fixed to shelves attached to the port (left) side of the fuselage ahead of the radar operator as shown in the RAF drawing. No drawings for Mosquito or Ventura installation are known to exist.