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Fundekals 32-A09 - Spitfire IXc, MH434 (Katherine Hepburn of the Skies!)
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Fundekals 32-A09 - Spitfire IXc, MH434 (Katherine Hepburn of the Skies!)
Canadian Dollars:

Quantity in Stock:2

Product Code: FUN_32_A09


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When it comes to aircraft on the silver screen MH434 is the leading lady of them all. She has appeared in many movies and television productions. Perhaps her most famous role was that of Squadron Leader "Skipper's" Spitfire from the 1968 film "The Battle of Britain". We've reproduced her markings from the film exactly as they appeared on the big screen, including white codes, slightly off-color roundels, and the oversized Squadron Leader pennant and kills. Topside colors are the typical RAF Dk Earth and Dk Green. However, there has been some debate as to the exact shade of the underside color. There is some evidence that the color on the flying aircraft used in the film was very close to RAF Sky. Pictures of the static and non-flying aircraft used in the film appear to have been finished in a Duck Egg Blue or RLM 76 color. Whichever color you chose be sure to heavily weather the wings. The obvious and heavy cordite streaks behind the shell ejection ports were painted on for the movie! (Don't forget to omit the any signs of cannon from the wings.)

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